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Tennis and Pickleball
Tennis has been around since the 19th century, and it is a fantastically popular sport. Pickleball is newer, but is beginning to catch on like wildfire! Our tennis and pickleball courts and facilities are available to all Alto Lakes Golf & Country Club members in good standing and their guests. Unaccompanied guests will be limited to the use of the facilities on a "space-available" basis.
Alto Lakes Tennis Association (ALTA)
Alto Lakes Tennis Association (ALTA) dues are $10 per calendar year and include all member play days and refreshments at several mixers (events are listed in Courts).
Go to the
tab under Associations for further details and for a list of ALTA Board Members to contact for more information.
Alto Lakes Pickleball Association (ALPA)
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America! It is an excellent source of exercise coupled with enormous fun. Everybody is welcome to learn the game and join the Alto Lakes Pickleball Association (ALPA). Beginner Clinics are held regularly; and dates are posted on the bulletin board at the Outlaw pickleball courts. ALPA dues are $20 per calendar year, which provides balls, funds, social and competitive events, facilitates communications relative to rules for play, and funds our member play days. See the "Pickleball" tab under Club Organizations for further details and for a list of ALPA Board personnel, whom you can contact for further information. Come play with us!
Court Assignments, Usage, and Cancellation Policy
Children under 12 must be supervised at all times at the facilities.
The Golf Shops are in charge of the tennis courts and shall be responsible for enforcing regulations for tennis.
All members and guests must register in the Golf Shops prior to play.
Court assignments will be by reservation only. All players must receive court assignments. Playing time begins at time of the court assignment reservation.
If you have finished playing on your assigned court, please notify the Golf Shop so that the court can be reassigned.
While other members are waiting to play, court time is limited to one and one half (1-1/2) hours or three sets, whichever comes first. When courts are crowded or full, all members are encouraged to play doubles.
Outlaw Tennis Courts: Men's 3.5+ Doubles - Monday, 9-11am; Ladies' 3.5+ Doubles - Friday, 9-11am; Mixed Doubles - Sunday, 12-2pm.
Kokopelli Tennis Courts: Co-ed 2.5/3.0 Doubles - Monday and Friday, 9-11am, Both Courts; Men's 3.5+ Doubles - Wednesday, 9-11am.
When courts are not in playable condition due to adverse weather or repair, the time or type of play may be regulated at the discretion of the Golf Professional or his assistants.
View the Tennis and Pickleball Court Reservation Cancellation policy
Pickleball Tennis Usage Policy
Dress Code and Conduct
Dress Code for Tennis Players: proper tennis attire must be worn at all times. No cut-offs, jeans, tank tops or halters will be allowed. Tennis shoes only are permitted on the courts.
General rules concerning tennis etiquette and conduct on the courts will be followed as established by the United States Tennis Association.