Let’s talk about some basic Golf Etiquette. Most of you know etiquette on the course, but let’s have a refresher. First is the issue of pace of play. The best way to judge your pace of play is to determine where you are supposed to be on the golf course. YOU ARE TO BE RIGHT BEHIND THE GROUP IN FRONT OF YOU, NOT JUST AHEAD OF THE GROUP BEHIND YOU! If you have a gap in front of you, you need to catch up to the group ahead of you. If you do fall too far behind, wave the group behind you to go through. But at some point, you need to play faster, or you will be letting groups through all day.
The next issue of etiquette deals with the physical course itself. Please fix your divots and ball marks. If you should make a divot anywhere on the course, please fill it with sand so the groups behind you will not be hitting out of the hole you just made. This applies to the tee box, fairway, or anywhere on the course. Please fix the ball marks you make on the green. Even if you are just hitting 30 yards and you hit the green, it’s going to make a mark. If you did not hit the green, look for other marks to fix. An unfixed ball mark takes twice to three times as long to repair itself than a fixed one. If you are in a sand trap, rake it after you hit out. If there are other footprints, whether animal or human, that were there before you got there - rake them. It’s just common courtesy. Make it easier for all who play to make the bunker smooth for the next unfortunate player who gets in one.
Lastly, let’s talk golf carts. Please keep your carts on the paths around greens and tee boxes (especially around the greens). If for some reason there is a low spot or area that’s been washed out, you will make it worse by not staying on the paths. Driving through them makes bigger holes and renders them potentially unplayable for a later time.
These are just a few points of the golf etiquette you should be aware of on the course to make it enjoyable for everyone.
One last thing... My prayers go out to all who were affected the recent McBride fire, a devastating event for lots of people!
Many Pars and Birdies